The Rude Mechanicals present Macbeth


Directed by Jeff Hersh

These are rough character sketches of the various roles in MacBeth. With the exception of Lord and Lady MacBeth and Lord and Lady MacDuff, the characters can be played by actors of either gender. A number of the parts in italics may be played by one actor depending of the number of cast members.

Character role. One of the lords of the land. Joins the other lords in revolt against Macbeth.
Spirits of the oracle that the witches cast for MacBeth. Will be voiced offstage into a microphone or prerecorded.
MacBeth’s best friend. His trust of MacBeth blinds him to the danger he is in until it is too late.
Character role. One of the lords of the land. Joins the other lords in revolt against Macbeth.
Diagnoses the malady that eventually does in Lady MacBeth.
Son of Ducan. Flees to Ireland after his father’s murder.
The current king of the realm. A strong king, but he trusts too much. It is this trust that MacBeth and his wife use to murder him.
Banquo’s son or daughter. Has minimal lines, but potential for some great character work. Looking for an child actor to fill this role.
Lady MacBeth
Easily the most intelligent character in the play. In a world of brutality she has risen through smarts, charisma, and sex. Her major flaw, which does her in, is that for all her ambition she cannot divest herself of her humanity.
Lady MacDuff
A good woman who is sacrificed to MacBeth’s tyranny. Her murder spurs MacDuff into seeking vengeance. Requires an actress able to do a very violent domestic violence/rape scene.
Another of the sundry lords. Mainly a bystanding observer in the play. He grows more cynical as he witness the corruption of Macbeth.
The anti-hero of the play. The seed of knowledge given to him by the witches germinates in his own ambition to turn him for a good man to an evil one. Will have major stage fight scenes.
A man of the times. A savage warrior, but with a sense of honor. It is his anger and rage that finally does in MacBeth. Will have the most stage combat in the play.
Son of Duncan. Flees to England after his father’s murder. Returns in the latter half of the play to lead the revolt against MacBeth.
Character role. One of the lords of the land. Joins the other lords in revolt against Macbeth.
Keeper of the gate to MacBeth’s fortress and a drunkard. One of the few comic roles in the play. May or may not be the devil is disguise.
One of the lords of the land. Joins the other lords in revolt against Macbeth.
Soldier in Duncan’s army. Delivers the exposition.
He or she has served MacBeth and Lady Macbeth for a long time. Both of them depend on him or her for their needs. The Servant is the observer, the audience interior to the play. It is only when things are truly turning bad does the Servant leave his/her masters.
Toady and attendant to Macbeth. Another great character role.
An ally of Malcom and Mcduff. Brutally slain by Macbeth during the final battle.
MacDuff’s son or daughter. A bit of a brat. Killed on MacBeth’s orders. Looking for a child actor for this role. Will need to be in a domestic violence scene.
The Three Witches
Not evil, per say, but not benevolent. They are the personification of the oracle, wisdom and knowledge. Looking for one male and two females. At least two of the three will have dance numbers.
First Witch
Male. Should be an imposing figure. He is the embodiment of the power the witches.
Second Witch
Female Lithe and mysterious. Embodiment of the aboriginal and sexual power the witches.
Third Witch
Female + 1 The third witch is an enigma. She is covered in rags and refuse. More like a walking pile of junk. She does not speak, but moves with intent. Chained to her is a child or teenage who is the one who speaks.
The Witches’ Coterie
Slaves and servants to the witches. Nonspeaking, but will have dance and movement parts. Some of the coterie will be used for smaller roles in the play (the Sergeant, Murders etc.)
The Court
People of Duncan’s (then MacBeth’s) court. Nonspeaking character roles. Some of the court will be used for smaller roles in the play (the Sergeant, Murders etc.)