Twelfth Night: Or What You Will

by William Shakespeare
Directed by Tiffany M. Waters

Join I.L.L.Y.R.I.A

Twelfth Night

Directed by: Tiffany M. Waters

Log in to a world where comedy and tragedy wear twin pajama pants. Where love, loss, and friendship must evolve in isolation and be filtered through your screen. Where duels are settled with game controllers, not swords, and Alexa plays “the food of love” on command. This is the new world, and in this world, you can be whoever you want (as long as you’re at home). This is I.L.L.Y.R.I.A.

Performances will be online and open to the public. Please consider a suggested donation of $10 to support the work and expansion of both the Rude Mechanicals and the Greenbelt Arts Center.

And Zoom Webinar:
Saturday at 7:30:
Zoom 935 0776 0604
Sunday at 2 with talk-back:
Zoom 928 2754 9111
Twelfth Night poster

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