The Revenger's Tragedy

by Anonymous
Directed by Jaki Demarest

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October 30 and 31 at 8 PM

Live on YouTube at

The Revenger’s Tragedy is a darkly comic masterpiece by an unknown writer. Just in time for Halloween, we have a Jacobean revenge tragedy with vivid and muscular prose, Hamlet without the indecision. A little touch of Tarantino in the night, with intrigue, murder, mayhem, infidelity, a poisoned skull, a mistaken execution, a battle royale with the improbable weapon of a severed head, and a twist ending that manages to subvert all the tropes and expectations. Warning: this play contains adult themes, sexuality, and references to sexual violence.

All performances are free. Suggested donation $10.

Cast and crew

Vindici, the Avenger: Wes Dennis

Hippolito, Vindici’s Brother: Tyler Haggard

Gratiana, Vindici’s Mother: Pamela Northrup

Castiza, Vindici’s Sister: Allison McAlister

The Duke: Jacqueline Youm

Lussurioso, the Duke’s Eldest: Chris Fominaya

Spurio, the Duke’s Bastard: Daniel Hubbell

The Duchess: Tiffany Waters

Ambitioso, the Duchess’ Eldest: Gary Brick

Supervacuo, the Duchess’ Second: Justin Bigelow

Junior, the Duchess’ Youngest: Liana Olear

Antonio, a Lord: Joe Kubinski

Judge Reynaldo, Antonio’s Brother: Jeff Poretsky

Rosenio, a Lord: Jimmy Flame

Gildernio, a Lord: Matthew Wilson

Sordido, a Lord: Ed Myers




Director: Jaki Demarest

Assistant Director: Alan Duda

Assistant Director: Ed Starr

Dramaturg: Rebecca Hranj

Zoominatographer: Alan Duda

Bard: Penny Martin

Graphics, Sound, Costumes, Props: Jaki Demarest

Technical Minion: Liana Olear

Publicity: Joshua Engel