King John



Director : Alan Duda
Assistant Director : Liana Olear
Producer : Lisa Hill-Corley
Stage Manager : Trevor Jones
Sound Design : Eric Honour
Costumes : Moira Parham
Photography : Jae Robinson
Chariot Driving Lessons : Clench Strongjaw
Chariot Fleet Subleasing : Sven Tarzan
Chariot Polisher : Slab Squatthrust
Trampling Choreography : Butch Deadlift
Trampling Insurance : Volant Noctu
Chariots Tricked Out with Customized Flames : Blast Hardcheese
Extended Chariot Animation Sequence : Hack Blowfist
Stunt Double for Baby in Chariot Rolling Down the Odessa Steps to the Music of Edmund Meisel : Thor Hammerthong

We apologize for the fault in the credits. Those responsible have been crucified. The credits have been completed in an entirely different style at great expense and at the last minute.

Set Engineer : Jeff Poretsky
Set Art : Liz McDaniel
Lights (GAC) :Jeff Poretsky
Lights (Fringe) : Liana Olear
Videographer (Fringe) : Joe Dzikiewicz
Videographer (GAC) : Mikki Barry
Lion Tamer : Jamie O'Marr
Paint Flats / Kick Cats : Paul Brinkley, Carol Calhoun, Sam David, Jaki Demarest, Alan Duda, Stephen Duda, Josh Engel, Lisa Hill-Corley, Trevor Jones, Melissa Schick
Special Thanks : Linda Swann, Sandy Poretsky, Don Cook, Sean Eustis, Dirk Parham, Earl Miller, Adrienne Gammons Kammer